Sunday, December 31, 2006

Renegade Women: Unrepentant Men - Storytellers at the Monticello!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Renegade, unrepentant Arun from Mill Valley is a transplant from New Delhi. He invited me to go, along with a storytelling group to Santorini's Restaurant on O'Farrell & share a dinner of trout, saffron basmati rice, mixed veggies, baby spinach & retsina wine with him. What's the difference between tourist & traveller, he asked the table of 12 storytellers who meet weekly at Katherine's home in Mill Valley? Arun attributed the following saying to Henry David Thoreau: The traveller sees what he sees; the tourist sees what he has come to see! ( It's actually a Br. writer Chesterton who said that. According to Thoreau who made sauntering into an art , IT'S NOT WORTHWHILE TO GO ROUND THE WORLD TO COUNT THE CATS IN ZANZIBAR. Ciaobabes!

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